
10 Mar 11 PS I Love You Movie Review

PS I Love You Movie ReviewBy: Misty Copher .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet While nobody can predict when death will pay them a visit and cut their life short, according to the movie P.S. I Love You, with NHL Jersey
some applied imagination and strategic planning in advance, you might be able to cheat the Grim Reaper just a little. Or in this case at least, from beyond the grave.Not that this morbid premise sounds like ideal material for a fanciful romantic edy. But filmmaker Richard LaGravenese (The Fisher King, The Bridges Of Madison County) takes up the challenge of juggling this life and the next for laughs, and awkwardly negotiates an often less than plausible mon ground between the best of both worlds, such as they may be.Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler are Holly and Gerry in P.S. I Love You, a stressed out young Manhattan couple into marriage meltdown at the moment, as they brawl verbally about Holly's tendency towards too much shopping, not enough 'hot, nasty sex' on their weekly to-do list, Gerry's unsexy slacker attitude toward vocational ambition, whether or not they forgot to have children along the way, and might this be very well all that there is out of life. In the midst of Holly's nightly nagging and lingering doubts about their relationship, happy-go-lucky Irish rocker import Gerry suddenly kicks the bucket. Which leaves Holly in a deep funk of guilt-ridden regret and inconsolable misery.[Image]While concerned mom Patricia (Kathy Bates) and caring best girlfriends Denise (Lisa Kudrow) and Sharon (Gina Gershon) have no success getting Holly to dispel those full-time blues, the sudden, mysterious delivery of a series of letters from late Detroit Red Wings jersey
hubby Gerry, slowly work their magic in snapping their glum gal pal out of her depressed state. The letters function like a 12-step program presumably mailed from the afterlife, nudging the stricken widow back to normalcy and even a little potential new romance. The tragiic healing process culminates in no less than two trips back to Ireland where the couple first met, where Mom and Holly embark on a weird adventure together, to go pick up men.P.S. I Love You and its dead letter collection plot device is far too overdone, and feels dramatically energy-inefficient and contrived to begin with. Much more effective is LaGravenese's sensitive physical and emotional layering of the plex unraveling of grief as a state of mind. And Swank gets it just right with a fine-tuned subtle expression of confusion, despondency and rage, though Holly's overly extended cranky self-pity party eventually wears out its wele, for the characters and audience alike.And it never quite makes sense why Holly isn't turned on by the persistent advances of the infatuated hunk played by Harry Connick Jr., even if the guy's on the eccentric side, as when he invades her private space in the local pub's john to present her with the heart he wears a little too prominently on his sleeve. In any case, P.S. I Love You could have done with a lot less of a sense of being on rewind as each posthumous letter arrives, and every time a romantic urge or mental mood swing gets reshuffled.Article Source: abcarticledirectoryIn dounload movies collection you can find a lot of interesting movies of Drama genre Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Misty CopherRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Movies FilmRed Wings jersey
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5 Mar 11 How To Promote The Right Affiliate Programs Using Free Research Methods

How To Promote The Right Affiliate Programs Using Free Research MethodsBy: Christopher Byrnes .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet If you're an aspiring affiliate marketer, you will probably have found yourself in the unlucky position of having sent out a promotion for a product, but you didn't make even one sale. Although it's no consolation, you're not alone! One of the main problems that blights affiliate marketers, and leads to such disappointments resides in a lack of understanding of Hockey Jersey
which affiliate programs to promote in the first place. In this article I am going to offer you a simple 3 step plan that uses free research methods to help you zoom in on a winning product to promote to your list. You may already be aware of two of these methods, but I can almost guarantee that the third resource will be new to you, so it is in your best interests to read this article, even if you think you've heard it all before. Here are the three steps:Step 1See what other people are promoting, by signing up to as many successful gurus' lists as you can. Look out, in particular, for the less popular items that they promote, alongside the new releases that everyone hears about. Try and find a product that not too many other people are promoting, but that gives you a good commission (at least 50%) and that looks as though it's going to be useful to the people you are promoting to. Draw up a short list of products you think are suitable, then move on to step 2.Step 2Once you have selected a list of suitable products, the next step is to check out the websites that sell them. What you are looking for, ideally, is a mini-site (usually a one to two page site consisting of a sales letter and sometimes an order form page). Most mini-site sales letters have a header, and some have backgrounds, but almost all of them have a product image. Do the graphics look professional to you? If they don't it's a bad sign, and you can bet the people you send to the site will react the same way you do.The graphics aren't the be all and end all, however. They add to the perceived value the sales letter is aiming to convey, but it is the actual words that are doing the selling. If you feel don't feel anything less than comfortable with the graphic design, then cross the product off your list. It may be a great product, but your concern has to be conversions, and those come from people being wooed by the sales page. If it does check out, then you need to read the sales letter and see whether it moves you to purchase, or not. This part is somewhat subjective, but if you find a quiet place within, and rely in your gut feelings, you should come up trumps. You will need to read each sales letter in full, as though you were going to the website the first time. Notice how you feel at various points in the sales letter. Do you feel like reading on? Are you being drawn in to the sales copy? If so, it's good copy. If you feel your mind wandering, or feel like clicking away, then you should probably consider removing the product from your short list. You should also see if the sales letter contains plenty of easily readable bullet points, a compelling headline that draws you into the sales copy and a strong p.s. or two, indicating a call to action, i.e. purchase. Step 3You need to be as sure as you can be that the product you are promoting to your list is going to be a winner. Why is it so important to offer your list only products that are hands-down fantastic? Think about it: you are not even the creator of the products you are promoting as an affiliate, yet you have managed to get subscribers to join your list. Your Pittsburgh Penguins jersey
list is used to being promoted by other affiliates and gurus on a daily basis. If you offer your list a product that doesn't live up to the promises you made, you will see dozens of unsubscribes, which can be a real heart-breaker, when you've invested so much time and money in getting them to sign up precariously in the first place. If you want it straight-up, your list is fickle and unforgiving, and no-one likes to be conned. So you owe it to yourself to be sure what you're promoting is not only targeted to you list's needs, but also that it delivers on its promises. Offer the right products and you not only make money on the sale, but you endear yourself to your list, which helps build trust and credibility, which means they will be more open to your promotions in the future. The more you promote what they want, the more they will trust your opinions, and the more they will buy from your promotions in the future. This begs the million-dollar question (quite literally!): How can I be sure I'm not promoting a junk product to my list?What you need, in a nutshell, is access to the thoughts and feelings of ordinary people who have already bought and promoted the product you are looking at promoting, and who are willing to give you an honest opinion on it. This leaves two problems: firstly that it would cost a fortune to carry out the market research yourself, and secondly, it is very difficult to find product reviews these days, that aren't just cleverly designed sales pitches in disguise. I'm going to let you in on one of the best-kept secrets in affiliate marketing, and a resource I now use every time I promote a product or buy one for myself. It's a no-hold-barred review site that's completely free of advertisements, signatures or selling of any sort. It contains thoursands of reviews of hunderds of Internet marketing products and services, and, as you'll see for yourself, the reviews reveal exactly what previous users think of the products they've used. There's nothing else like this anywhere else as far as I know, and it's a fantastic tool for affiliate marketers to add to their arsenals. This site is known as 'The Ratings Hub'Once you access the site, you can search for the product you are thinking of promoting, and compare the reviews on there, with the buzz you initially acted on. If you encounter more than three negative reviews on a product on the site, don't promote it! If a product gets rave reviews, then the chances are that you are onto a winning product, and you should consider going on to promote it. In conclusion, if you follow the three steps outlined in this article, you will have a far better than average chance of hitting on a winning product to promote, even if you are new to Internet marketing.Article Source: http://www.shop-on-sale.com Sign up for your FREE account at The Ratings Hub: Click here to access it now!Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Christopher ByrnesRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Affiliate Programs What Cloth Diaper Provides The Top Match For Newborns?- By : mirtagaylWhat is Affiliate Marketing and Why You Penguins jersey
Should Do It?- By : James A AndersonEarning Money Quickly With Email Marketing - True or False?- By : chad buistMoney Creating Tips For Individuals Involved In An Online Affiliate Marketing Home Business- By : Johnny BarrellGlobal Success Club And How To Make Money Online- By : Don SeanMake Cash Over The Internet With Affiliate Marketing- By : Leroy WheelerWhich Affiliate Networks To Look Out For When Promoting ?- By : Elsa Braxton Still Searching? Last Chance to find what you're looking for. Try using Bing Search!

5 Mar 11 Affiliate Internet Marketing Versus The Squeeze

Affiliate Internet Marketing Versus The SqueezeBy: Daryl Campbell .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet A whole lot of people are feeling the squeeze. Everything from gas prices, utility bills (our local gas and electric hit us with a 70% increase), buying a home and other expenses are climbing through the roof while wages remain stagnant. The result is that even with two or more people in the household working, many families are living from check to check. What about savings? In January, the U.S. Commerce Department reported the savings rate for all of 2006 was a negative 1 percent, the lowest since the Great Depression of the 1930's. Martin Crusinger writing for the Associated Press said, "...not only did people spend all the money they earned but they also dippedTampa Bay Lightning jersey
into savings or increased borrowing to finance purchases." Since the job probably is not cutting it, you have to look at additional ways to make money. Affiliate internet marketing can fill the money void quite nicely. Affiliate internet marketing is simply promoting someone else's product and getting paid for it without the overhead, products to stock or customer service hassles. The affiliate programs are usually free to join and anyone can make a healthy living online not just the experienced internet marketers. You can get paid monthly, which is the usual standard, quarterly, one tier or two. One tier means direct referral. The affiliate merchant does not allow you to hire others to promote the product. Any commission paid to you is thru your efforts only.With two tier programs not only can you sign up people to help you, (known as building a downline), but you also get paid a percentage of their sales in addition to your direct referrals. Some affiliate programs offer 3 tier payment plans or more. The point is anything above one is more money in your pocket. Just starting out? Think of a product or service that interest you first and then see if there is a hot market for it. Ebay and Froogle are good places for this kind of research or just type some keywords into whatever search engine you use and hit enter. Is there a market? The internet is the biggest marketplace in the world so the odds are the answer is yes. Get your own website. This is critical. It allows you to promote multiple affiliate programs and sign people up to your mailing list. Send Lightning jersey
visitors to your website first and then to the main affiliate page. If you already have an online business, add affiliate marketing to your portfolio. Write a review of the product on your website or blog. You can also place an advertisement on your site. Generally, text ads get better clickthroughs, however if one is not available then by all means use a banner. They may not have the appeal they use to but a good banner is still very effective. Whether a newbie or experienced marketer, use ezine advertising. This is a very powerful way of getting your affiliate program in front of a targeted audience. Also check the forums. There is a niche on just about everything so it stands the reason people are gathered someplace talking about it. Do not go in attempting to make a sale right away, instead be an active participant and use your signature to advertise your product or service. Nowadays most people are just trying to stay one step ahead of the next bill. Affiliate internet marketing can go along way to changing that. Spend your time and energy in not only making money but building an online business. That is the best way to protect you and your family against the squeeze.Article Source: http://www.shop-on-sale.com Daryl Campbell is an affiliate marketer and online business owner. It is easy to get lost in the jungle of internet marketing. So what do you do? Get yourself an Internet Marketing Guide. Free tips, tools, resources, coaching, video and up to the minute news and information to help you get out of the jungle. Get started now at Internet Marketing GuideNote: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Daryl CampbellRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Affiliate Programs What Cloth Diaper Provides The Top Match For Newborns?- By : mirtagaylWhat is Affiliate Marketing and Why You Should Do It?- By : James A AndersonEarning Money Quickly Hockey Jersey
With Email Marketing - True or False?- By : chad buistMoney Creating Tips For Individuals Involved In An Online Affiliate Marketing Home Business- By : Johnny BarrellGlobal Success Club And How To Make Money Online- By : Don SeanMake Cash Over The Internet With Affiliate Marketing- By : Leroy WheelerWhich Affiliate Networks To Look Out For When Promoting ?- By : Elsa Braxton Still Searching? Last Chance to find what you're looking for. Try using Bing Search!


24 Jan 11 Michigan-Indiana Preview: Wolverines Look To Stay Undefeated in Big Ten Opener

Leon Halip/Getty ImagesTime: 3:30 EST Location: Bloomington, IN Line: Michigan -10 TV: ESPNU Weather:66 and Partly Cloudy This is the first Big Ten game of 2010 for both teams.IU is 3-0 with wins over Towson, W. Kentucky, and Akron, while Michigan is 4-0 with wins over UConn, ND, UMass, Denver Broncos jersey
and Bowling Green. If it was a boxing match, most experts would expect a knockout in the first three roundsboth guys throw a ton of punches but don't protect themselves very well. Let's go to the team rankings through three or four games: RushingMichigan No. 2 IU No. 96 PassingMichigan No. 50 IU No. 11 Points ForMichigan No. 11 IU No. 10 Points AgainstMichigan No. 64 IU No. 43 So what do you make of these? It's clear both teams like to score points, Michigan on the ground and IU through the air.Neither team plays much defense. I would say Michigan, being No. 64 against the teams they played, is a bit better than IU's No. 43 through three cupcakes.Everyone is predicting a ton of points in this one and a running time of about five hours, which should make the crew from ESPNU happy, since two million people tuned in for the Michigan-BGSU blowout a week earlier.Tale of the Tape Michigan Offense vs. IU Defense = Denard Robinson IU Offense vs. Michigan D = Lots of practice for Michigan's young DBs Special Teams = Push Intangibles = Push (IU is at home, but Michigan is the best team they have faced this year)Indiana has a senior QB and good players at the skill positions. Michigan on defense will have to get a ton of pressurewith thepass rush and not get surprised by the running game.Michigan's DBs will have to make some plays to get some stops. If there was ever a time to consider Brian from Mgoblog'stheory of putting Jordan Kovacs atmiddle linebacker, this would be the game.IUcame into Detroit Lions
the Big House last year and almost beatMichigan, with only a controversial interceptionby Donovan Warrengiving Big Blue the win. IU on defense won't be able to stopMichigan's offense, since they had a hard time stopping Western Kentucky and Akron.Ball protection will be key for Wolverines.Michigan was focused and ready toplay the last time they had a road game in Indiana a couple of weeks ago against ND, and theyneed to have the same focus against IU. Sing Hail to the Victors if...Michigan doesn't have to puntor kick field goals again.Denard is Denard.The Michigan defense against UConn, ND, and BGSU shows up.Michigan gets five sacks and two picks.A Michigan RB has over 100 yards and Darryl Stonum and Roy Roundtree are open all day.Bill Lynch launches his gum toward the crowd three times. Is that Double Bubble? Scream "Indiana is a basketball school!" if...The game becomes the "(Ben) Chappell Show." If Saturday starts to look like 2009.IU gets some stops on defense.Michigan turns the ball over.Michigan's DBs look like high school seniors.There is one thing I know for sure insports: When everyone thinks one thing is going to happen, the opposite usually does.Everyone and their brother are calling for a ton of points in this game (like 80!). Whoever scores last Green Bay Packers jersey
wins! Which could be true, but I think Michigan's 2010defense is actually better suited for a pistol or spread type of offense than a pro style (like Michigan will see the following weeks). Greg Robinson will be very key in thisgame with the personnel and formations he uses.I think both teams will give up big plays, but not as many as predicted. Turnovers will be the difference. Michigan31 IU 20. GO BLUE!This article is also featured onThe BIG HOUSE Blog

24 Jan 11 Notre Dame vs Michigan State: Preview and Prediction

Jonathan Daniel/Getty ImagesIt's the third week of college football and the Notre Dame find themselves against another Big Ten team. This time it's the Michigan State Spartans.Michigan State (2-0) is coming off a 30-17 win over Florida Atlantic, while the Irish (1-1) are coming off a loss to the Michigan Cleveland Browns jersey
Wolverines.Notre Dame faces a much more standard offense than they saw against the Wolverines, but the Spartans' offensive game still revolves around their strong running gamearunning game that is averaging 261 yards per game, 11th-best in the country. Their production comes from true sophomore Edwin Baker.Stopping the the running game is going, again, to be key for the Irish. They were unable to hold the Wolverine running game, lead by Denard Robinson, and it cost them the game. This week's matchup will be another test for this mediocre defense.Along with agreatrunning game, the Spartans boast a tough defense, especially at linebacker position. Greg Jones already has 20 tackles for the Spartans and has helped the Spartan defense to only allow 130 rushing yards the past two weeks.This sets up a problem for the Irish. You need an established running game before the passing game becomesefficient. The Irish are going to have to figure out a way to their running game up to par, or it could be a very tough offensive day for them.As for the Irish, their offensesputteredonce starting quarterback, Dayne Crist left the game earl on due to lack of vision in his right eye. Crist came back into the game after the half andfinishedthe game, but the damage was already done to the Irish as they struggled under backup quarterbacks Tommy Rees and Nate Montana.Crist has fully recovered and can now see out of the right eye, which is great news for Irish fans as it became apparent that without Crist, Notre Dame doesn't stand a chance Dallas Cowboys jersey
against any team.I am expecting this game to be just as exciting as last week's game. This game, on paper, looks like it could go down to the wire.This week I am putting my faith in the Irish just because Crist is expected to play and be 100 percent. A healthy Crist would've most likely led to a win against Michigan.For those reasons I am picking Notre Dame to beat the Spartans, 24-21.


22 Jan 11 Arizona State Sun Devils Show Improvement In Near Upset Of Wisconsin Badgers

The Arizona State Sun Devils traveled to Madison, Wisconsin in search of an upset over the AP ranked No. 11 Badgers, but came up one point shy.The Wisconsin Badgers beat the Sun Devils, 20-19, in one of the most entertaining games this season after a blocked extra-point attempt by Wisconsin's Jay Valai, which would have tied the fame for the Sun Devils with roughly four minutes remaining in the fourth quarter.In what was a heartbreaking loss, full of missed and bad calls, the Sun Devils proved in front of a national audience that they can hang with the big boys. Kansas City Chiefs jersey
Arizona State needed a win against Wisconsin after coming off of consecutive losing seasons, but instead, they walk away with their first loss of the season.But not without putting up a fight.The Sun Devils were 14-point underdogs heading into Saturday's matchthey lost by one.Arizona State was not expected to be successful against the Badger's rushing defensethey rushed for 169 yards.Much can be taken from this loss in Madison, and the positives outweigh the negatives.Steven Threet absolutely took over the Sun Devil offense at Wisconsin in every way, showing a poise and confidence that Sun Devil fans have not seen in years.Threet, who completed 21-of-33 passes for 211 yards, is made for Noel Mazzone's high-tempo spread offense. Before the previous play was even completed, you can see Threet looking at the sideline for the next play to execute, keeping the fast-paced offense on the move and the Badger defense a step behind.Along with Threet, was ASU's ability to move the ball on the ground, which many did not expect against with the huge mismatch in size between the small Sun Devil Offensive line and the large Badger defense up front.Running back Deantre Lewis was able to tally-up 122 rushing yards (one short of Badger John Clay) on just nine attempts, while Cameron Marshall added 35 yards of his own and one touchdown.But the stars of the night were by far the Arizona State special team, who racked up 261 kick return yards against the Badgers.In the first quarter, Omar Bolden had a 97-yard kickoff return for a touchdown, followed by a punt return touchdown that was called back due to two illegal blocks in the back by the Sun Devils.The most heartbreaking play of the game was Kyle Middlebrook's kickoff return in the closing seconds of the first half, in which he was tackled within the one-yard-line after time had run out on the clock.After these huge returns, the crowd at Camp Randall Stadium would let out a sarcastic cheer after an ASU returner was tackled inside the 50-yard-line.Of the negatives, were the Miami Dolphins jersey
continued penalties. Although they committed less than the previous two games, one might have cost the Sun Devils the game.On the Badgers' last drive of the game, the Sun Devils made a huge stop in Wisconsin territory to force a third-and-long, or so they thought. A reckless personal foul was called for a late hit against the Sun Devils, keeping the Badgers' drive alive, and eventually running out the game clock.Another negative was the Sun Devils' ability to close down a touchdown. ASU seemed to get down the field with ease, but when they entered the red zone, all bets were off.Dropped passes by wide open receivers in the end zone resulted in Threet's zero passing touchdowns."I told them we blew a lot of opportunities offensively to score touchdowns and score points [and] that is why we lost," head coach Dennis Erickson said after the game.Along with the offensive mistakes was a missed field goal by former Lou Groza winner, Thomas Weber.Most college football games have blown or missed calls, and the Wisconsin-Arizona State game had its Minnesota Vikings
fair share.Although it is a "coulda, woulda, shoulda" situation for the bad calls working against the Sun Devils, they were blatantly there, and you can't help but wonder, "If it weren't for those calls, would the Sun Devils have won?"Probably, but what's done is done.Overall, the Sun Devils put up a huge fight over a No. 11 team in a game that everyone expected to be a lopsided win in Wisconsin's favor.The new Arizona State spread offense has proved its worth under starting quarterback Threet, and the defense stopped a very potent Badger running game on multiple occasions.Up next, Arizona State takes on the No. 5 Oregon Ducks on Saturday, September 25, at Sun Devil Stadium


18 Jan 11 ACC Football: Thursday Morning One-Liners

Ronald Martinez/Getty ImagesThere is a rich family tradition that runs through Boston College, and offensive lineman Mark Spinney is just another example. Whoa now, it appears Clemson tattled on Tennessee and former head coach Lane Kiffin. Video: DukeDavid Cutcliffe mentioned that the Blue Devils learned a lot from their loss to Alabama, and must convert that knowledge to play during their next game with Army. Even with a Heisman contender in Christian Ponder, Florida State has a backup quarterback plan. Georgia TechCooper Taylor has a rare disease Pittsburgh Steelers jersey
that he plays with. Maryland finalized a home-and-home series with Texas. Miami is looking to play Rutgers in Yankee Stadium by 2013. The status of two of North CarolinaTainted 12 Tarheelsmy version of a play on the Dirty Dozenhas been clarified by the NCAA. History is on N.C. Stateside since they have a 3-0 record to start. It is not uncommon for Virginia to sport a lot of coaches who have at one point worked for another college or university nearby. Frank Beamer gives the latest injury report on the Virginia Tech Hokies. Here is a quick look at former Demon Deacons who are now in the NFL.


15 Jan 11 Detroit Lions Ernie Simms Brian Calhoun Daniel Bullocks Matt Millen Rod Marinelli

None. No, really, all jokes and kidding aside – that’s how many wide receivers the Detroit Lions took in the draft last weekend. Zero. Honestly, it’s not another punch line. After three years’ worth of first-round draft picks – Mike Williams, Roy Williams and Charles Rogers – that hardly became starters and/or suffered at theReebok Green Bay Packers 21 Charles Woodson Realtree camo Jersey
hands of Joey Harrington, the Lions did not take anyone at the position this year. Not even Santonio Holmes. And they could have taken him! Nil. Zip.Instead, general manager Matt “Fire” Millen may be actually listening to his head coach this time around – much to the appreciation of the growing legion of Coach Rod Marinelli’s enthusiasts – and Detroit’s draft class of 2006 should further boost Lion fans’ hopes. The number nine pick in the draft, Florida State DT/LB Ernie Sims performed well enough during the scouting combine that most teams were prepared to overlook a nasty personal incident. The Lions got there first, and Sims is being touted as a fit anywhere from “excellent” to “perfect” in Marinelli and Lions defensive coordinator Donnie Henderson’s defensive scheme. (In fact, Marinelli may have unwittingly given Sims his first NFL nickname when he referred to his first-round draft choice as a “collision hunter.”) Because of his smallish size, Sims will be filling the role of the “Will” linebacker in Detroit to allow his speed free reign. Ernie left college one year early, after a junior season in which he racked up seventy-seven tackles and three interceptions. Also to be given a shot to join the Detroit linebackers is seventh-round pick Anthony Cannon. The Tulane linebacker was originally thought to be a middle rounder, but dropped far due to rumors of an unspecified health condition. Cannon put together an impressive college career, earning a Freshman All-America nod, a Butkus Award nomination, and an all-Conference USA selection. Reebok Minnesota Vikings #84 Randy Moss Realtree camo Jersey
Cannon played in all special teams situations and spent his senior year at the MLB position.Marinelli’s marines have also got to be pleased as punch with the second-round selection of safety Daniel “Never Mind The” Bullocks out of Nebraska. High priority for the new head coach is to juice up the speed of the D, and Bullocks is just the guy to do it. Judging by the praise Marinelli and Henderson are heaping on this pick, Bullocks had been their choice all along; the coach went so far as to describe the safety as having “all … we’ve been looking for.” Bullocks is projected to fill the free safety spot, but may see time at strong safety. In Round Three, the Lions opted for a more traditional running back choice, picking up Wisconsin’s Brian Calhoun. Calhoun is more speed for Marinelli’s Motor City crew. While taking a year off from football due to his decision to transfer from Colorado, Calhoun ran track, and helped his 100-meter relay team take the Big Ten title. In his senior year, Calhoun racked up 1,636 yards on 348 carries for 4.7 yards per carry and 22 touchdowns.The silver-and-blue made good use of their other choices as well: Fifth-rounder Texas OT Jonathan Scott, sixth-rounder West Virginia CB/special teamer Alton McCann and USC OG Fred Matua are all worth at least another good hard look.In fact, the only Reebok Pittsburg Steelers #83 Heath Miller Realtree camo Jersey
obvious negative for the Detroit Lions on draft weekend was the pick they didn’t get. Ready to settle for even a late-round pick from the Cleveland Browns after the Miami Dolphins dropped out of bargaining, this deal for QB Joey Harrington also fell through. It seems that more than a Marinelli miracle is necessary to lose that particular albatross… (1)


14 Jan 11 Detroit Lions "Stanton starting a matter of time..."

Remember way back in 2006, when much of the NFL hype was centered on Tony Romo, the heir apparent under center in Dallas? The Cowboys’ starting quarterback was Drew Bledsoe, your stereotypical declining veteran just barely dependable enough and essentially leading the team to a state of running in place at Reebok Minnesota Vikings 28 Adrian Peterson Realtree camo Jersey
best. As the football world watched, everyone realized one truth (and were well bombastically bombarded by mainstream media): The team needs a change, the franchise needs a change, the owner and GM ain’t going nowhere, and, by the way, this head coach may no longer be right for this job.This is essentially what is happening in Detroit Lions Land right about now. Except for the bit about the football world watching.Commentary: The countdown would appear to be on for Drew Stanton to take over the starting quarterback role in Detroit. Heck, the former second-rounder out of Michigan State probably would have seen time when all was lost in Week 17 last season had he not been knocked onto the injured reserve in August.Meanwhile, the Lions’ answer to Bledsoe, Jon Kitna, is surely one of the most infuriating QBs in the league (at least to his fan base). While the man was much noted for taking every single snap for Detroit in 2006 and even had the healing magic of Dr. God going for him in 2007, few actual positive results are being produced. His cumulative stats are crazy (do you realize he could go by Terry Bradshaw in career passing yardage this season? Terry freaking Bradshaw?) and Kitna has proven himself resilient enough to have taken 122 sacks (and counting!) in the last 34 games. Reebok Minnesota Vikings #4 Brett Favre Realtree camo Jersey
(Incidentally, do you suppose Lions fans are secretly wishing that he won’t come back into the game after the 124th hit? Or the 125th? Or the ...?)However, Detroit has proven itself to be incredibly woefully inept on third- and fourth-down conversions during the Lions’ Kitna/Rod Marinelli era. In fact, given the stockpiling of weapons at receiver Detroit has finally achieved, the lack of improvement in this area is positively eerie.Check out the numbers: In 2006, the Lions managed to convert on 62 of 190 chances for a whopping 32.6 percent clip, “good” for the NFL’s 30th “best” in the category. In 2007, the team “improved” to a success rate of exactly 1/3 in going 65 of 195 and falling to 31st “best.”Kitna and this team, as they say, just simply aren’t getting it done.But can Stanton?This might be one of the biggest question marks in the league right now if anyone were paying attention; by the same token, it may be utterly irrelevant, as Stanton will be starting by the end of the season. After all, appearances indicate that the sole factor keeping “Pickna” in the game right now is Marinelli’s ostensible loyalty. Because Sunday is, interestingly enough, Kitna’s birthday, he’ll probably be playing out what’s certain to be a sackfest and shootout against the San Francisco 49ers, and the decent showing he’ll seemingly inevitably put up against a weak 49er ‘D’ will probably keep him as starter for a couple of weeks thereafter.But by then, the Lions will be about 1-4 and Stanton’s takeover will only be a matter of time.Fantasy Football Impact: Though Kitna is still Reebok Minnesota Vikings #69 Jared Allen Realtree camo Jersey
a numbers machine, fantasy owners know that his stats have been in recent decline. Surely few start the Lion these days, but, as is the contention, his term as a viable fantasy football backup may be up as well; start combing the waiver wire. Maybe “scout” Stanton until available. In deeper leagues.


13 Jan 11 Hope in Seattle: State Senate Bill 6116 Back on the Floor

Justin Sullivan/Getty ImagesWashington State Senate Bill 6116 is headed back to the floor for a vote this legislative session down in Olympia. The bill is, for everyone that doesn know, about extending the current hotel and restaurant taxes in the city of Seattle to pay for Key Arena and some other big projects New York Giants jersey
in Seattle.First and foremost this bill creates jobs and builds up the local economy.Secondly, it gets the city of Seattle closer to having professional basketball back in the city.I will not get into the specifics of what teams are the likely candidates to relocate here or what team Id like to have come here *cough* Hawks *cough* and we all know the team will not come via expansion either. If the NBA was smart, it would actually contract six teams.But that a different story for a different day.Word on the street is that future principle owner, Steve Ballmer, is more interested than ever in buying a team and moving them here.Give a big thanks to the success that Windows Seven has been for Microsoft and padding Mr. Ballmer wallet a little bit more, as well.Before all of this can happen though, SB 6116 needs to pass.We have all got our hopes up before regarding this bill only to be kicked in the nuts and then have our hearts ripped out.This time there isn $30M riding on it and there is going to be less pressure on lawmakers to get this passed.Does it mean that as Sonic fans we should not be vocal?Oh no, not by any means. We still need to contact lawmakers both at the state, county, and city levels. We need to rally as much support on all levels and make some trips down to Olympia again. We may annoy people, New York Jets jersey
but at least they know the green and gold will never go away and that their mistake will always be visible.Maybe get the Sonicsgate crew to add some extra footage on the whole process. Not necessarily a sequel, but a special.The sequel can be when we get a new team.Be hopeful.

12 Jan 11 Lakers Clutch In Boston

Jim Rogash/Getty ImagesAs a Laker fan you learn not to worry about loses during the regular season, especially with the zen master Phil Jackson at the helm.After loses against Cleveland that made the Lakers look like they were made of actual human beings they come out against their long time rivals and look better than ever!The Celtics had the home court and the great energy throughout the game as well as a sell out crowd. They didn't however get the Lakers in panic mode.The Lakers never once lost their calm and collected selves, not once. Not when being outscored in the second quarter. Not when the Celtics were hitting big three's. Not even when their bench doesn't produce.With the continued explosion of Andrew "Bynumite" Bynum, who had 19 points in 33:19 minutes, and the always calm and collected swagger of Kobe Bryant, the team never looked like they got out of their game plan.Artest even showed up to the game contributing his 11 points and awkward but effective play.Through the forced shots and the crazed fans the Lakers came out on topReebok Green Bay Packers #12 Aaron Rodgers Realtree camo Jersey
90-89.Who was ever worried?The Lakers have become known for keeping their cool, they've had plenty of practice. Through all the rivalries. Through all of the playoff games. Through all of the finals games. You never stress as a Laker fan.In the words pf Phil Jackson, "Control the pace and control what we want to do."That's all you're looking for.As a Laker fan you don't worry too much about the score. You don't worry too much about the foul calls. You don't really need to even worry about the way the other team is playing. As long as the Lakers are in control the game is in the bag.You may get a bit quieter. You may yell at the refs. You may even take a longer sip from your beer. But you never lose control of what you want to do. And that's what winners do.Winners don't panic. Winners don't lose control. Not even in the final seconds of the game.Kobe, a proven winner, hits a jump shot with 7.3 left in the game to put the Lakers up 90-89.The crowd goes quiet.


10 Jan 11 Lakers 4-0 Without Kobe, Proves Kobe Not Even Close To Being The Best!

Harry How/Getty ImagesMuch to the chagrin of Kobe Bryant fans across the country, Kobe is not the best player in the league. When you put a player like Kobe on a sub par team he scores a lot of points but proved he alone cannot get it done, unlike Michael Jordan several times proved in the 6 NBA titles HE won with the help of his teammates but it was him who put the rings on their fingers.With Kobe and the Lakers last year the Championship would not have been won without Gasol, and Fisher at the very least. Kobe has been out the last four games and the Lakers Reebok Baltimore Ravens #5 Joe Flacco Realtree camo Jersey
have won all four behind stellar performances from the supporting cast of Shannon Brown, Ron Artest, and Andrew Bynum along with the duo of Odom and Gasol. Now granted the Golden State team doesn't really match up with the Lakers at all with a record of 14-38 but they seemed to give the defending champs a run, only to fall much short of an upset win.Myargument begins with some of Kobe's stats a career .455 shooter when you put 19000 shots up at this level you better make 45% of them Michael was a 49% fg shooter advantage MJ.With 73 less regular season games then MJ, Kobe is at the other end of the court in several statistical categories, maybe not even in the arena yet. After 14 of his 15 seasons Michael Jordan he had 6 Championships, 5 time MVP, and was a 10 time all NBA first teamer. Kobe Reebok Baltimore Ravens #27 Ray Rice Realtree camo Jersey
after 14 seasons is a 4 time champion, MVP once 7 time all NBA first team, and 2 NBA scoring titles, to name a few.Michael Jordan was a 6 time NBA Finals Mvp to Kobe's 1. Kobe only winning 2 scoring titles has him ranked below Allen Iverson who has 4 NBA scoring titles, to Michaels 10.Kobe Bryant is one of the best active players in the NBA, and may very well end up in the top 6 or 8 all time overall but the constant comparison to the man at the top of the list is premature and holds absolutely no water.This writer believes that LeBron James with his 6 seasons, 14000+ points, will surpass Kobe and live up to all his "King James" hype in far less then 14 seasons. Who knows in 14 seasons LeBron should be in the 30000 point club and should have at least 3 Championships and who knows what else he will have amassed in the next 4 years!Bottom line is Kobe will be a top 10 all time player but even that is a stretch.

10 Jan 11 Pistons-Magic: Orlando and Dwight Howard Take Down Detroit

Sam Greenwood/Getty ImagesDwight Howard and the Orlando Magic wasted no time getting off to a good start following the All-Star Break. The Magic took down the Pistons Wednesday night with a 117-91 win at Amway Arena.The Pistons held close throughout the first three quarters, but the Magic pulled away in the fourth. Orlando outscored Detroit 33-14 in the final frame.Following an impressive performance in the All-Star game on Sunday night, Howard also wasted no time, continuing to assert himself as one of the premier players in the NBA. Reebok Minnesota Vikings 28 Adrian Peterson Realtree camo Jersey
Dwight posted a stat-line that would be the envy of any inside presence in the league. Howard scored 33 points, grabbed 17 rebounds, and dominated on defense with seven blocks against the Pistons.It was obvious that the Magic and Stan Van Gundy were determined to ride Howard down the stretch. The ball continued to go in to Dwight possession after possession throughout the core of the fourth quarter, in an effort to take advantage of the undersized Jason Maxiell.Vince Carter continued his improved play in February by posting 20 points. Jameer Nelson and Rashard Lewis chipped in with 14 and 13 points respectively. Meanwhile, Ryan Anderson led all bench scorers with 11 points.On the other side of the court, the Magic had problems defending Richard Hamilton throughout the contest. Rip scored 36 points on the night and hit shots from all over the floor.The win over Detroit moved the Magic to a 21-5 record on the year at home. Amway has been a tough place to play all year for the opposition, as only the Lakers and Cavaliers hold better record on their home floors.Following the first of three home games for Orlando this week, the Magic will now look forward to taking on a revamped Mavericks squad Friday night on ESPN. Orlando will then face another tough test against the Reebok Minnesota Vikings #4 Brett Favre Realtree camo Jersey
Cavaliers, this time at Amway and with both teams coming into the game with similar schedules.The first two games against the Cavs have been the second of a back to back for Orlando, while Cleveland has had a few days rest. Maybe the amount rest will not play a factor, but that will remain to be seen this weekend.


9 Jan 11 Now Way To Be Any Better

Ronald Martinez/Getty ImagesIn the history of the Dallas Mavericks the one thing that has always (ALWAYS) been lacking has been a consistent man in the middle. Nellie tried to make things work with Shawn Bradley. The big Mormon could block shots and basically nothing else except get pushed around.Dampier was supposed to be the savior. He has shown flashes of what the Mavs thought they were paying for, but in general he hasn't been anything more than an average center (not surpassing an average of double figures in boards or points, less Reebok Minnesota Vikings #69 Jared Allen Realtree camo Jersey
than 2 blocks per game.) Diop also had his flashes, at least in his first tenure, but he was always such a liability on offense, leading to the defense focusing more on Dirk.But now, not only have the Mavs rid themselves of the J.Ho's distractions and disappointing play, replacing him with a similar yet higher performing player, they have also filled that seemingly infinite void at center.Brendan Haywood is among the league leaders in rebounds (10th overall, 2nd in offensive boards) and in blocks (third in the league).That type of play is exactly what the mavericks have been looking for. They might not have the 2 superstars that the Lakers have (Kidd isn't considered a superstar, but you can't complain about his performance) but Dallas does have a pool of talent and an over mix of players that should Reebok New England Patriots #12 Tom Brady Realtree camo Jersey
give L.A. or any other team a run for their money.Maybe the bench isn't as strong as one might wish- Terry is the only player sitting down at tip-off that might make opponents sweat. Despite that, I don't see any real weak spots on this team now that they have a good center.


8 Jan 11 Raptors Report Week 19: Andrea Bargnani To Be Blamed For Struggles?

Kevin C. Cox/Getty ImagesIt took quite a bit of willpower just to write this article today after seeing the Raptors getting beaten up four times this week, on the road.The Raps have dropped to the 8th seed in the East, and would have to face the Cleveland Cavaliers. This isn't a very intriguing matchup Reebok Green Bay Packers #52 Clay Matthews Realtree camo Jersey
for Raptors fans, but the Raptors still have 17 games left to grab a higher seed. They have lost five games in a row, but return to Toronto this Wednesday.This late season collapse has been one of the worst parts of the season.Yes, Chris Bosh was injured, but to find the real cause of the struggles, look no further than Andrea Bargnani. Your center is supposed to crash the boards and play tough inside, and lately Bargnani has been the opposite of that. Giving up offensive rebounds and second chance points is one of the main causes of the Raptors losing streak, and Bargnani is the main culprit.Record: 0-4Performance on a scale of 1-10: 3.5PositivesAmir Johnson and Jose Calderon have been great, and are the lone bright spots on a team of many negatives. The Raptors were actually close to beating the Lakers in LA, which was a positive sign, but still lost.NegativesBoy, when you go 0-4 in a week there must be a lot of negatives.Let's start with the defense. The Raptors let up way too many three pointers and their defense just wasn't there. Too many Reebok Indianapolis Colts 18 Peyton Manning Realtree camo Jersey
second chance points, too many turnovers all played a part in the losses. Chris Bosh hasn't been too great, and has turned over the ball alot.Getting blown out by Sacramento and Golden State just isn't acceptable at this time of the season, and if the Raptors want any chance of a sucessful first round they will have to step it up and get a better seeding.Hopefully the Raptors can get on track this week and win a few games.GO RAPS!